Что такое band: Band cell Wikipedia

Что такое band

Band neutrophils are an intermediary step prior to the complete maturation of segmented neutrophils. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils are initially released from the bone marrow as band cells, as the immature neutrophils become activated or exposed to pathogens, their nucleus will take on a segmented appearance. An increase in the number of these immature neutrophils in circulation can be indicative of a infection for which they are being called to fight against, or some inflammatory process. The increase of band cells in the circulation is called bandemia and is a “left shift” process. Carrier Aggregation (CA) is a technique used in LTE-Advanced to increase the peak data rate (i.e., maximum available speed) of a 4G LTE network. By aggregating multiple channels together a mobile network operator can increase the total available bandwidth of a single transmission, and thereby increase the bitrate and capacity of the network.

Что такое band

With radio spectrum a rare commodity, CA has also helped to utilise smaller spectrum allotments which only support smaller channel widths and where traditional LTE would lead to very low peak data rates. Secret Bands are mostly created by pre-existing offline groups when members intend to stay connected, plan, and collaborate with each other via mobile. Examples of such groups include sports teams, Что такое band clubs, classes, work teams, faith groups, organizations, and extended families. Once a member creates a group on the BAND app, the member can invite other members by sharing a Band URL via SMS, messenger apps, or email. The members then can sign up on the BAND app and join the group by clicking the URL. Created by Naver Corporation, the service is available on iOS, Android, and desktop.

Переводы band

A band cell (also called band neutrophil, band form or stab cell) is a cell undergoing granulopoiesis, derived from a metamyelocyte, and leading to a mature granulocyte. To search multiple frequencies within FDD/TDD search boxes, please use a comma to delimit search terms. Login to everything RF to download datasheets, white papers and more content.

Before LTE-A, a mobile network operator could only use additional LTE bands to increase capacity (i.e., total number of users), by distributing traffic across multiple bands. While this is an effective way to provide more airtime to any one particular user and thereby improving available data rates during busy periods, it does not increase the peak data rate. Carrier aggregation is supported in both FDD and TDD duplex modes, with mixed duplex FDD+TDD aggregation possible.

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